Over the years, many healthcare organizations in the USA moved away from existing EMRs into new systems as part of mergers or acquisitions, when this happens, we need to retain the legacy EMR to support audits and to be compliant with the state laws in maintaining patient records. Most states mandate patient data to be maintained for 8 to 10 years. Under these circumstances, healthcare organizations will need to pay hefty license fees to legacy EMRs to maintain patient records in the read-only state. These licenses cost run up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year depending on the size of the health care organization thus increases the operating expenses.
- Minimize licensing cost for legacy EMRs
- Secure and easy access to historical data
- Avoid Data conversion costs
What we can do for you?
Allruva Technology services have come up with a very innovative way of archiving the legacy EMRs into a secured location in a way to easily retrieve any records needed for audits. By doing this, we can eliminate the license costs for the legacy EMRs. We have used robotic process automation (RPA) and were able to accomplish this in the record time by saving huge costs in a very short span of time. We have seen the ROIs for more than 600%.